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Re: triple-het hondo came through in a pinch

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Posted by crimsonking on April 19, 2003 at 20:54:19:

In Reply to: triple-het hondo came through in a pinch posted by rtdunham on April 19, 2003 at 19:06:03:

:Several years ago, when i realized i could produce triple hets, i was excited for two reasons:
:1) triple het x triple het breedings would produce ALL the color morphs--snows, ghosts, hybinos, albinos, anerys, hypos, and a small number of wild types. So I could keep fewer animals but still produce all the varieties I strive for each season.
:2) a triple het male could serve in place of any double-het male. so with one triple het male as a backup, i was able to sell three males--double hets for snow, for ghost, and for hybino. Again, less cage space, less care, but no reduction in productivity.

:I just took steps to see both those benefits actually materialize:
:1) i did my first triple het x tripl ehet breeding this week. Boy, are THOSE eggs going to be exciting to watch as they hatch.
:2) I used the triple het male X two females that might have otherwise been unproductive, since the males i'd assigned them to were producing only negligible sperm counts in the samples expressed following copulation.
:One, for example, was a ghost female that was going to be bred x a hypo het/anery. Beeding x the triple het, i'll get only half as many ghosts, for example, but i WILL get all four types I'd hope to see--ghosts, hypos het/anery, anerys het/hypo, and definite double hets. So a perfectly good substitution. He worked equally well as a substitute for the other female.

:I'm still kinda stoked that the theories are working out in practice, and just wanted to share. In all, I kept 2.4 triple hets for myself, including this tangerine male and a bold tricolor male, which will add to the variety i can get from that group. I suspect next year i'll replace eight females of various types with those four triple hets.


:Terry, that sounds great! It does make me dizzy though. Can't wait to see the babies when you post 'em. I'm still waiting for some possible 2x hets to get there! When we goin' herpin'?

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