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Re: Hondo males not eating?

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Posted by pweaver on April 16, 2003 at 09:46:44:

In Reply to: Hondo males not eating? posted by blueharlequin on April 16, 2003 at 08:33:24:

This happened with a couple of my corns this year, for just the reason that you said. However, I also had an adult female king that all of a sudden didn't want her f/t mouse anymore after coming out of brumation. What I did was to give it a freshly killed mouse, which really put her into a feeding frenzy, then I followed it with a f/t rat. If you are feeding f/t, you might dry defrosting it by just leaving it at room temp for a couple of hours. I've got a couple of hondos that won't eat f/t if they are defrosted in water like I usually do. If that doesn't work, then try the freshly killed approach. Otherwise you'll just have to wait them out.

:Hey folks. It would seem that my two males have lost interest in food. I've read that that may happen during breeding, as they kind of get interested in only one thing. The odd thing is, that the guys investigate the mice (f/t) when they're first put in the cage.. and then just sort of nose them around a bit. I tend to place the mice for one of them on top of his hide box, and always have, and now as soon as I put 'em in, he goes and sniffs the thing for a while and then nudges the mouse off onto the ground. Every time.
:Anyway, is this consistant with breeding season behavior?

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