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Re: question for honduran breeders.........

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Posted by rtdunham on March 01, 2003 at 20:53:05:

In Reply to: question for honduran breeders......... posted by serpentman on February 27, 2003 at 22:45:03:

jeff, i keep breeder groups focused around a particular morph, and usually around a particular male, consisting of a male and four to seven females. I also always have a "backup" male in reserve, in case the primary male is not fertile (I check sperm after each copulation, so I can get a pretty good idea of thatl). Sometimes the backup male is an identical animal phenotypically and genotypically (a snow backup for my snow project, for example); other times a triple het male may be the backup for both a ghost and a snow project, depending on needs. But always a backup--one can't afford to have a whole harem of desirable females go to waste if the male isn't fertile or has health problems or whatever.

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