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Re: Here's how I do it..pic

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Posted by Roy Stockwell on February 25, 2003 at 17:28:14:

In Reply to: Re: Here's how I do it..pic posted by shannon brown on February 25, 2003 at 01:24:10:

: Roy,Very nice racks.
:Don't you have problems with your snakes rubbing there noses raw on the screen?

Thanks! As surprising as it may sound, they never rub their snouts. I can't really explain why
but it isn't a problem at all. I use normal aluminum door screening.The stuff that comes in rolls. It's fairly soft, but snakes never rub against it.
If they push, they tend to do that in the corners, and the screen is fully supported by the frame at all corners.
I've raised and bred snakes as large as pines in this system,(bottom trays) and while the trays are frankly, a tad small for pines, I never had any problems
with rostral injuries.
Above is another rack of similar design,with shoe box rubbermaids on top and larger sizes on the bottom. I heat my entire room, but I also use heat tape at the back for trays with gravid females(boids, not milks).

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