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Re: another key bit of advice

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Posted by blueharlequin on February 23, 2003 at 00:21:11:

In Reply to: another key bit of advice posted by rtdunham on February 22, 2003 at 19:59:50:

Yeah, I often wonder about those length estimates. Perhaps I will indeed look into an electronic scale.
One thing I thought of is perhaps I'm increasing the size of the prey items too quickly? My smallest snake (hatched in Sept.'02) is currently eating a medium sized fuzzy every fourth day or so. Would feeding pinkies at a higher frequency serve her growth rate better? (hoping to have photos tomorrow. I somehow shorted out my battery recharger...)
Thanks for your feedback folks.

:find a way to get accurate weights of your animals. Estimating lengths is a trap we all fall into, and don't do very well. But a weight is a weight, and it's a great insight into the actual size of an animal. I could give you a lot of useful info IF you had weights of your animals to relate it to.

:How to get weights? By a electronic gram / ounce scale at an office supply store, under $100. You keep a shoebox on top of it, with the scale set to zero AFTER the box is put in place. so you put the snake in, and bingo, the weight that shows is the weight of the animal.

:Or take a box to the post office or any other place you can find that has a public scale. Weight the box. Now, in the future, you can go there with the snake in the box, weight it, subtract the weight you know for the box, and bingo, you've got the weight of the animal.

:I recommend getting a scale and keeping regular track of your animals' weights the same way you record their sheds, feeding activity, etc.


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