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Re: Insight needed on the breeding of sinaloe and nelsoni.......

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Posted by herpeton on February 14, 2003 at 23:36:44:

In Reply to: Insight needed on the breeding of sinaloe and nelsoni....... posted by nelsoniboy on February 12, 2003 at 17:52:56:

They are two different subspecies not different species. Their wild ranges do cross in MX
I don't breed snakes that are different subspecies. I don't think its right. You would probably have a hard time selling the babies. At least to people that know what they are buying. You can breed these 2 ssps but like I said, I disagree. Some say that hybrids are weaker and are more easily able to get diseases. I don't know if that is true or not but I won't chance it. I'd keep with the same ssps. so you know you won't have problems, both with health and the reptile trade itself.

I like the way nelson's look better than the sinaloans so I surely don't want one that is both. Just think out all your problems before you breed. They're a lot of people out there that either don't think or just don't care. I do.

I hope this helped,


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