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Re: If I had a Tang...

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Posted by rtdunham on February 14, 2003 at 17:40:19:

In Reply to: If I had a Tang... posted by royal_phlush on February 14, 2003 at 17:27:19:

a tangerine x an albino is an apples-and-oranges mixup. You need to consider separately two things (albinisim) and wild-type colors (tangerine at one extreme to tricolor at the other). so whether that pair produces albinos or not depends on whether the normal-looking snake is het/albino. if it is, half the babies will be albinos over a large sample; if it's not het, none will ever be.

then you have to figure whether the albino is a trangerine or a tricolor. if it's a tangerine, tangerine x tangerine usually produces most or even all tangerine babies. if it's a tricolor, tangerine x tricolor usually produces some of each and a bunch in between, but that can vary depending on what's "hidden" in a bunch of genes in the wild-types. albino is a simple recessive. the diff types of wild-tpes are merely points on a continuum, the outcome of multiple genes in my opinion, with tangerines at one extreme and tricolors at the other and a lot of diff types in between.

I'd suggest you review the genetic principles at the link below:


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