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Posted by dangry on February 14, 2003 at 13:50:27:

In Reply to: moss? posted by nategodin on February 14, 2003 at 00:08:44:

:Thanks for the advice. He is shedding at least every month so I'll be able to try these tips soon!


:Are you giving it wet moss to curl up with? You should either add a plastic container with a hole cut out of the side and some moss to the cage when it goes into blue, or put some moss in its favorite hiding spot and spray it down... my black milks have had excellent sheds using this method.


::My 6 month old black milk is having trouble with sheds. His first one came off in one piece, but since then he always seems to leave some behind and I have to "finish the job". His last one was not even half gone. Is this at all common? is it harmful to help? I do wait at least 2 days before assisting so I am pretty sure the rest is not coming off on its own. The humidity seems okay and I have several rough objects for him to crawl against. I am out of ideas. Help.



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