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dad is anonnoying me

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Posted by calgecko on May 14, 2003 at 19:18:46:

In Reply to: dad is anonnoying me posted by gekosrule on May 13, 2003 at 21:30:32:

Replies interspersed:

my dad doesnt think that i know wat i am doing i feed my 5 month old leo and i feed it 18 crickets a week . he thinks that isnt enough - Sounds like your Dad knows what he's talking about... first off, hopefully you are feeding your leo the small or medium sized Crix, dusted with calcium.. but it should probably be eating more than 18 a week... I'm guessing 25 or so.. ?

and i have a lil bit of raptocal and he thinks that I should be haveing that in a milk cap for my leo to lick up - ABSOLUTELY put some in there. I've seen my leo's licking up their calcium powder .. they know when they need it.

would like someone to tell him to get off my back so that he will have trust in me - He'll probably trust you more if you listened to him, and understood that perhaps he's done some research on the matter.. listen and learn.. that's the sign of maturity.

so that i opefully 1 day get another leo and have lil ones.
: i have a 20 gallon tank that has 1 dead limb - Where did you get this dead limb? Hopefully you bought it, and it's been totally sterilized, not just grabbed up off the ground outside...

and 1 hide and alot of leaves and that shiz ("shiz"?) in there for him - what kind of leaves? real or artificial? If they are real, get them out of there. There are certain plants that can make leos/lizards very sick if they eat them. They are not herbivores. Also, is the hide on the warm end or the cool end? What about a humid hide? what kind of temps are you keeping in the tank? what kind of heating element are you using?

i have a calcium deposite to
: so please get dad off back tell me if i am doing allright so that i can print it off and show him that i am right
:i no that my tyeping is long but just let me now asap
: ¤lata¤
: ¤brandon¤

based on your typing, grammar, spelling and slang, I'm guessing you're probably about 12-14, so you've definitely got a very cool pet for someone that age.. but don't be embarassed to admit to your dad (or yourself) that you don't know everything.. it's very possible that your dad may have done some checking on these things, and he's trying to give you helpful pointers so that you will know more about what you're doing, and things to keep your little leo healthy...

listen to him, and be open to his ideas... sounds like he knows what he's talking about.

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