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getting a new leo: what kind? and from who?

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Posted by Starling on May 12, 2003 at 13:00:39:

In Reply to: getting a new leo: what kind? and from who? posted by bigkahunas4 on May 11, 2003 at 23:11:42:

I would not get one at Petco, even if you want a normal, because such a high percentage of them are infected with some kind of organism that will make them sick- be it crypto, coccdia, worms, or a bacterial infection. The small amount of money you might save is gone ten times over with one visit to the vet- not to mention the stress and sadness of having a pet get sick and/or die. Not that it is impossible to get a healthy leo there, but you can't always tell just from looking at them, and it's just not worth it.

I think it's best to get one from a breeder with a good rep online, either a small hobby breeder (smaller breeders are less prone to getting outbreaks of disease due to smaller numbers of geckos) or a larger breeder (there are many quality breeders who work on a larger volume) you can trust. There are some good choices on the Kingsnake classifieds, and in the sponsors of this forum, too. Reptile shows can be an option if there is one near you. Look for a gecko with fat tail. There are many quality breeders online. Who you choose will depend on what kind of gecko you want. As pets, what morph you get is a matter of personal preference, what look you like best. A normal can bring you just as much joy as a specialty morph like an albino or tangerine. It depends on what look you like, and also, how much you are willing to spend. Specialty morphs cost more than normals. Take a look on the classifieds, and check out some of the links of the forum sponsors to get an idea of what is available and what the prices are.

:Hi, I'm planning on getting a new leo, and was wondering what kind to get, whether a certain breed is any better? Where should I get it from, a breeder online or a petco? Who can I trust? And how much should I pay.thanks

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