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Actually, it is proven that..........

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Posted by iluvblackfrancis on May 12, 2003 at 00:19:03:

In Reply to: Actually, it is proven that.......... posted by bradley on May 11, 2003 at 23:18:16:

:mealworms and crickets are no more or less benificial to your geckos. As long as both food items are properly gut-loaded, they both make great foods of choice. Many large breeders (such as Ron Tremper) feed exclusivly mealworms for years and have had great succes. I personally like mealworms because crickets became to much of a hassle. I had to clean their cage way too much, they smelled bad, the crickets would hide in the cages, etc. Mealworms are much less of a hassle, easlily bred, and they just sit in a food bowl for the geckos to eat. In my opinion, mealworms would be the best choice for the soul purpose that they are much easier to keep and feed then crickets.


oh, i'll have to believe you on that. i've always heard that crickets were better, but if Ron Tremper doesnt think so, they must be no better. Tremper is sorta a hero of mine.

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