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Posted by Starling on May 11, 2003 at 14:43:39:

In Reply to: I offer a variety....... posted by UrgentMike on May 11, 2003 at 13:13:23:

the gecko has been checked by a vet sometime this year DOES NOT mean a new problem cannot develop at any time. If he is on any kind of graular substrate you need to consider the POSSIBILITY of impaction. It's also possibility he's picked up a case of worms. Even healthy geckos kept singly will get worms from time to time if you feed them crickets, a round of panacur won't hurt him if it's been over 6 months since his last deworming, or if he has any sign of runny stools.

Do you have a thermometer in the tank? Are the temps still correct? If geckos are too cold they won't eat.

Does he have all the stuff he needs? (e.g. safe-feeling hide spots, calcium, water, food, adequate space and hides?) Any new things in his environment that might cause stress? (e.g. has enclosure moved to a naoisy place, new enclosure, new gecko in tank, etc..)

That being said, sometimes full grown perfectly healthy leos go without food for two weeks, usually this is in the colder winter months though.

Do you know what his Favorite food is? Waxworms? Crickets? Mealies? Try feeding him his favorite food to see if he will eat at least a little. Waxworms are irresistible to most leos.

If he is on a granular substrate put him on paper towels, try giving him a few warm baths. I would think it would not hurt to administer a small amount- .3 cc's or so, of olive oil orally to try to loosen any mild obstruction- but then I am not a vet, I just don't see how that could hurt as a one-time thing. If it doesn't pass through and he still doesn't eat he may need to see a vet.

If he is not on a granular substrate (don't forget that vermiculite used in a moist hide is granular and often ingested), and you don't think impaction is a possibility, and he still won't eat, you can try squeezing some mealie guts on his mose and see if he will lick it off. The idea is to get him to ingest enough to pass a stool so you can see if it is runny, and also to get him back in the habit of eating again.

:He gets to select from mealies, butterworms, crickets and lobster roaches. He has shown no interest in ANY food for 2 weeks. Hes not losing any weight, but it still worries me. This is the longest hes ever gone w/out food.

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