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Well, I for one live in Europa more->

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Posted by marlies on May 10, 2003 at 15:19:34:

In Reply to: Do you guys live in the UK?..... posted by bradley on May 10, 2003 at 13:44:28:

To be specific: I live in Hollad (very small country with awful weather...) Ray Hine lives in England. As far as I know he doesn't go to shows in the UK, but I do not know for sure. I bought this female on a show in Germany! He also goes to some of the Dutch reptile shows.

The hybino's very in prices. I really had great luck with this one! She onley kost me € 100,- wich in my eyes is real cheap! (she has een partely regrown tail, but that part is so small that you have to look twice before you can see it!) I heard that the Hybino prices normaly run up to $200 / $ 300.

:if not then did you buy them from Ray Hine from outside the UK? And if you do did you buy them from him at a show? I didn't even know those were available until I saw this post. I really want to buy some geckos from him but living in the US requires me to spend at least $1500 and then $350 in shipping, and since it looks he's not doing any US reptile shows either so it may be a while before I do buy from him. May I ask how much those beautiful geckos cost?

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