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Heater, what's the best for leopard geckos?

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Posted by jeanne on May 09, 2003 at 10:15:50:

In Reply to: Heater, what's the best for leopard geckos? posted by elcheal on May 09, 2003 at 07:13:35:

I only use UTH's, never lamps except in the winter, and only if the temperatures are very low and I need the extra heat. The thing about UTH's is, and correct me if I am wrong a Pet Shop owner told me this, the UTH heats the glass all around the tank so the heat is distributed throughout the tank. The UTH also allows for a hot spot under a hide box.


:I've heard that the undertank ones are best, then that the lamp-like ones work best. I want to hear from someone which one is absolutely, positively THE BEST. Do you leave it on all night or all day, I've heard both on that too. I'm soo confused ;(

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