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Posted by armiyana on May 07, 2003 at 23:21:58:

In Reply to: So so sorry to hear that.. posted by KelliH on May 07, 2003 at 23:07:34:

Incubation was set at 78-80 degrees. I'm using a homemade incubator(10 gal aquarium with the underwater heater). Incubated in vermiculite.
It stays pretty humid in there, I know that may be an issue...but I've had healthy babies last year and my first 3 were fine this year.
There was one point in the incubation where the eggs had a severe jump in temps from the 80 to 90 degrees. That might have triggered it, but they were only exposed for a couple hours at most. So she might have gotten shocked from that jump during incubation.
One other egg hatched with a tiny little baby...smallest one I've seen yet. She's smaller than the newly hatched albino, even though her egg was 2x the albino's egg size...
She's from a first time breeder. Most of moms eggs were duds. That seems like the only fertile one...but one is still questionable. The male was proven last year with my other 4 females.
The mom also had a case of Calcium deficiency as a baby. I nursed her out of it and she's fine now. But maybe this could have been a sign of something else? Her cagemate (possible brother?) was raised at my home the same way, with a dish of Calcium at all times and dusted mealies...but he never became deficient.

Hope this helps. Thank you for the help Kelli ^_^

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