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may work good in that.....

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Posted by geeboo on May 06, 2003 at 01:02:48:

In Reply to: what about heat rope? posted by zazzygrrl on May 05, 2003 at 18:04:16:

if you get some let us know how it works it is very interesting. I just wonder how big a area a piece heats, as far as away from the rope??

shelf stand (only 3 feet long). The top shelf has my 20 gal L terrium, the lower two will be for smaller enclosures. From what I can see, I would just string this back and forth over the back 1/3 of each shelf, plug it into the thermostat and be done with it. Since it is a wire shelf, I think it would be pretty easy to string it flush with the wires so they wouldn't be damaged by sliding out the enclosures. It also seems easy to move to a different set up later if needed. For my itty bitty set up, I would only need one strand of the stuff, which is about $25, plus another $30 for the thermostat and it all looks straightforward. I think it would be a bigger problem if you were setting on wood shelves and needed to create a recessed place to put the heat rope.


::I don't think I would bother with the heat rope looks to be a big pain in the butt. You would probally have to snake it back and forth to make a grid to heat an area. I think it is originaly for heating under the gravel in aqauriums though I have never seen this kind. Flex watt is the best. The plastic covers are cheap but keeps the exposed ends covered well. The Bean Farm sells all componets and comes with instructions. Just use extension cording from walmart or someplace for the hookup.


:::Thanks for the link to instructions. I was also looking at heat rope at Big Apple Herp. Looks really easy to me - just buy the thermastat and plug in. Anybody have experience with this?

:::On the flex watt, do you need a separate dimmer or thermostate with each section you make (as per the referenced website).

::::Check out this sight sweetie.


::::Awesome sight showing how to set it up.





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