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I have never seen a nice setup with paper towels before..

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Posted by YoshiMa on May 05, 2003 at 23:22:13:

In Reply to: I have never seen a nice setup with paper towels before.. posted by jlui83 on May 05, 2003 at 22:05:43:

I don't have a picture to show you and no it isn't as pretty as some of the ones with sand...but I used sand for a while and my tanks stunk, it was more of a pain to clean and the lizards seem just as happy having a sand/vermiculite/moss hide to dig and lay in. The sand to me just seemed....dirty. The fecas was harder to clean up and the crickets pooh you couldn't see and we all know how stinky they get. Good luck with it though. Like the other person could try slate. I couldn't get my slate to sit flat enough and the crickets would hid under it. I eventually decided papertowles and newspaper wasn't as natural but is sure was cleaner and safer for my Leo's.

:Can someone prove me wrong? Post pics of you setups that are using paper towels.. It seems as though SAND is the substrate that can make the setup look good.. But yeh yeh i know of the risks of impaction and all that crap..

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