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A few generations is fine

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Posted by Starling on May 04, 2003 at 15:16:54:

In Reply to: Who to believe? kinda long posted by JamesNC on May 03, 2003 at 23:35:40:

But eventually hatch rates will decline unless you introduce some new genetic material. This doesn't usually happen until generation 8 or more, and I'm sure once you get the patternless albino trait nailed you'll want to add new traits long before then anyway. Maybe work on creating blazing banana blizzards or patternless tangerine albinos.

While he's kept his line, even Ron Tremper has introduced new genetic material into that line.

:This post is not to start any type of argument and is intended for experienced breeders only please:

:I am currently working towards breeding patternless albinos and am about to hatch my first generation hets from an albino and patternless mom and pop. I have heard and read many differing opinions on the subject of breeding siblings to one another. For instance, I copied this statement from Ron Tremper's website: "Line breeding or breeding siblings together is not detrimental. My colony of non-albinos has been inbred and line bred for 25 generations with no ill effects."

:I'm not a large scale breeder and do it only for the enjoyment and experience of breeding; if there is any possibility of a poor result at all I would completely avoid this type of breeding. however, if it has had no ill effects in any of your experiences, then why not make my job easier; working towards patternless albinos.

:Thank you for your time and suggestions.


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