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Out with the naturalistic cages, in with what works for us

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Posted by shannons on May 02, 2003 at 18:13:39:

I have my three girls in critter keepers on one big heat mat now. I really like the convenience - they are on a shelf and I can just pull them out. They each have a water dish and a hide. (damp when they're shedding) After getting used to the ease of that, I think I'll put "The Man", Ceaser, in his own. He is in a bigger tank now since he was in with Rosie for a while but he doesn't use that much space, and I think he'll be cleaner, happier, and more well fed in another critter keeper... he's an awful hunter :) and eats much more when his prey can't get away. The rocks and slate were nice, but I don't think the kids mind the new set-up. :) Now to find room and containers for individual calcium bowls...

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