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will do, thank you n/m

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Posted by Tenor Goddess on May 06, 2003 at 16:53:23:

In Reply to: TX herp laws? posted by DandK on May 06, 2003 at 16:16:47:

:There is a rather new state law that requires people with certain exotics to register/get permits with their county. This is mostly for large cats and primates(don't think any reptiles are on the list) and from what i know, many counties decided to outlaw the animals on the list instead of spend the time, money, manpower and take the risk of putting a permitting system in place.

:The city and county you live in are going to determine what you can do, if anything. look up your local ordinances, usually under animal ordinances. these will tell you what you can keep and if you can get a permit for those that are not allowed. If the ordinances do allow for permits, be careful. I know of a few incidents where people have gone to get the permits, been denied for no reason and were forced to get rid of the animals.

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