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NY Press: Herkimer trustees adopt parking, wild animal laws

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Posted by W von Papineäu on March 20, 2003 at 21:19:21:

{Please attribute the following to Allen Salzberg of}

OBSERVER-DISPATCH (Utica, New York) 18 March 03 Herkimer trustees adopt parking, wild animal laws (Melissa A. Chadwick)
Village trustees Monday night approved a law by a 5-0 vote prohibiting the harboring of wild animals and venomous reptiles.
"We enacted this law to protect the public," Trustee Gary Hartman said. "People are starting to find animals and reptiles that aren't normally kept as domesticated pets."
A woman recently approached village officials asking if she could keep an African Serval cat as a pet, officials said.
"We were fortunate that it was brought to our attention," Trustee Mark Netti said of the cat, which resembles a miniature cheetah, weighs between 18 and 45 pounds and stands 18 to 24 inches.
The law states no person shall possess, keep, harbor or maintain any wild animal or venomous reptile in the village, though the village may permit some animals for zoological, education and scientific purposes.
The law, effective immediately, does not apply to owners who already have animals or reptiles of this sort in their possession.
Any person found in violation of the law faces a fine between $50 and $250, or imprisonment not exceeding 15 days, or both, the law states.

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