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FDA forced look at 4-inch turtle regulation immediately!

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Posted by Ivory Tortoise on February 25, 2003 at 20:18:52:

Salmonella and your privilege to keep reptiles to be reviewed by the FDA

On Aug. 11, 1998 I proposed an amendment (by Citizen Petition) to the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration to allow the sale and distribution of turtles less than 4-inches.

President Bush has just signed House Joint Resolution 2, which is titled "Consolidated Appropriations Resolution, 2003" which will force the FDA to immediately review my petition and respond to the committee by March 1, 2003 (one week).

Pandora’s box is open! The FDA will not only review my petition to allow the sale and distribution of turtles less than 4-inches but in all likelihood will review the whole issue of keeping reptiles as pets and their risk of Salmonella.

The technology has been in place to produce 100% Salmonella free turtles as well as a product to keep them Salmonella free. Please petition your congressmen to direct the FDA to abandon "21CFR1240.62, Turtles intrastate and interstate requirements" which are outdated and no longer relevant due to advancements over the past 28-years in turtle husbandry.

For more information and a link to your Congressman go to:

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