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Re: Because

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Posted by repmedic on January 03, 2003 at 08:33:43:

In Reply to: Re: Because posted by Mr. D on January 02, 2003 at 11:58:58:

in response to every ones postings, first i live in the buffalo area and i'm a paramedic that covers buffalo and the falls. there has been large felines kept privatly in the past that i have known about, 1 in the falls. this bill also covers smaller felines such as servals and bobcats. wolves and foxes are also covered which are kept more commonly than people think.then we get to venomous reptiles and large constrictors, i am a keeper of both. as a emergency responder i can see the concern, i also openly admit most of the concern is ignorance and paranoia. as reptiles do not have a territoral aggression such as found in mammals and as a rule do not engage in unprovoked attacks.
this bill was proposed with good intent the safety of emergency providers, even if it is selective out of paranoia, hence the most dangerous animal we encounter is dogs which have been bred for guarding abilities(territorial aggression).in a ending to buffalo being to cold ever hear of the african lion safarie in guelph,ontario

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