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FL Press: Weston moves to create pet law

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Posted by W von Papineäu on November 20, 2002 at 20:30:23:

MIAMI HERALD (Florida) 19 November 02 Weston moves to create pet law - Residents could keep some exotics (Jasmine Kripalani)
It looks like Weston residents who keep pets such as turtles, nonpoisonous snakes, iguanas, ferrets, and potbellied pigs will be able to keep them.
In a tentative decision to create a law mirroring regulations of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Weston commissioners voted to prevent certain popular pets from being classified as wild animals.
Such a label would ban them from the city, said Commissioner Robin Bartleman. A vote on final approval is scheduled for Dec. 2.
''The reason I raised my concerns is because I wanted to ensure that if we passed an ordinance, it would be a reasonable one,'' Bartleman said.
When it finally came time to vote for the measure, Commissioner Barbara Herrera-Hill laughingly told the commission, ``This means folks, I cannot get my monkey.''
The list is so extensive, even dwarf crocodiles wouldn't be allowed, she said.
The decision meant that Weston resident Sharon Cheren's 15-year-old son, Jonathan, will be able to keep a spiky, six-foot iguana named Gizzmo that is considered part of the family.

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