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Re: herp Laws

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Posted by LK on November 14, 2002 at 15:51:02:

In Reply to: Re: herp Laws posted by Lyle on November 13, 2002 at 00:25:43:

Most people do not know the laws much less follow them.
I guess the only real answer is to produce more material
letting people know why should you not release animals
into the wild rather than just saying because it's illegal.
However many people wont even bother reading how to care
for their animals much less care about proper disposal.

I would honestly vote to not allow any non native species
to be imported into the US except for research
purposes. While researchers have done some damage
themselves it would be much easier to hold them
accountable. Instead we have laws outlawing keeping
native species but you can order a potential invader
or species that could transmit disease. I find the
latter much more of a threat than some kid collecting
a handful of tadpoles... whether the species is rare
or not.. of course Id prefer no rare species be collected
and instead purchased from breeders. A lincensing program
for breeder would be nice but I know the wildlife dept.
and they would make it a joke where noone could really
get a license since they'd just get blown off.

We see this in trees today, Chestnuts are not rare because
someone dug up 50+ feet trees but because of blight that
spead, I worry some of our reptiles and amphibian will suffer
a similar fate.

:It's already illegal to release non-native wildlife in my state, what more could you ask for?

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