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That was not the point of my post ......... N/P

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Posted by KLorentz on October 03, 2002 at 16:34:25:

In Reply to: Hard to critique a book you never looked at. NP posted by vtherpster on October 02, 2002 at 19:28:24:

::>>>> more children under 12 are sole keeper of reptiles and this is higher than any other kind of pet.<<<<<<<<<<<<

:: I was seven when I had my first Alligator Lizard and frogs and RES soon followd . As long as an adult is supervising I see no reason why a child 7 or older could not care for a herp as long as it is not something like a large constricter or hard to keep animals or torts . You know like blue belly lizaeds , AL's etc .. Not all children are able to care for them for various reasons but at that age I always took good care of my herps . If I had not my parents would never have allowed it . I learnd alot about responsability this way and how to respect living creatures we hold dear .

:: I think everyone knows where I stand on the salmonila . Never caught it in 32 years . No family member has caught it . No visitor to our home has ether . I have always been very firm on learning before you buy or collect a new herp pet . The import biz can be horrible and some herps no longer need to be imported in such large numbers due to captive breeding ( ie ball pythons ) .

:: If more herpers would do their part ( it does not need to be alot to have an impact ) and educate the public ( and fellow herpers ) there would be less of an issue .

:: Not saying anything against you Samcin .

:: Kevin


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