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Kids and Kings, HELP!!!

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Posted by OneSexyWookie on May 11, 2003 at 12:46:07:

In Reply to: Kids and Kings, HELP!!! posted by KevinM on May 10, 2003 at 23:23:59:

I really believe, if done properly, the 6 year old will not be a problem. However, 2 years olds, I think, are too young to handle a snake on their own. They don't seem to have full awareness of the action-consequence relationship yet and may end up doing something that puts either themselves or the sanke at risk for injury.

I introduced my nephew to my King when he was 6, and I felt the snake was big enough to 'handle' himself. I think that hatchlings are way too fragile to be handled by kids so young, and in fact most adults if they don't be careful.

What I did was explain as much as I could about the snake and how to behave around him - don't make sudden movements or he'll make sudden movements, don't pull on anything, don't squeeze, those sorts of things. I think most 6 year olds can comprehend these simple instructions, that 2 year old may not grasp. He was allowed to hold the snake in a manner which wouldn't harm either participant - hands cupped/palms open, calm disposition(he had already petted the snake while in my hands so he wasn't nervous about them) and let the snake go wherever he wants to go, and don't ever try to control his movents or force him to do something. If he(my nephew) ever showed any signs of nervousness or distressed(he never did) I was prepared to take to snake back. I never had any problems since doing this. Supervivion is a must, but that goes without saying - he is now almost 8 and I still watch him closely.

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