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Albino Knoblochi

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Posted by jeph on May 08, 2003 at 21:33:57:

I have a book called MILKSNAKES,every species and sub-species in brilliant color, by W.P. Mara, in the end he talks about 2 more milk snakes, the mtn.kings, one of the sub-species he talks about is knoblochi, here it is word for word-

"A resident of northern Mexico, very little was known about this snakes natural history untill a few specimens found their way into the herpetocultural hobby. Now they are being bred in captivity (not regularly,though,since there still aren't that many around) and even a beautiful albino form has surafced although as far as I'm aware there aren't any specimens for sale.( Dont quote me on that,however.)-theres a little bit more but thats the important part I'm wondering about.
Has any body here ever heard of it or seen them ?, I know there is a hypomelanistic knob, which is owned by H.Dean, and its very nice looking too, the exact same coloration as the hypo pyro pyro but with that knob look to it. If anybody has any info on it I'd greatly appreciate you sharing it with me, thanks in advance for any responses to this post.
Jeff Teel

ps, the year this book was published was 1994 and by T.F.H publications,inc.

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