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New Brooksi

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Posted by KingOz on April 30, 2003 at 10:26:15:

I am the proud new owner of a 4 mt old female Brooksi. She was billed as a “flame” but after talking with Steve Osborne it looks like she is hypomelansitc as “flames” are normal but high orange with orange bellies. The price I paid for her was in the range that people are asking for on the net for hypomelanstics, so at least the seller was honest with the price.

Keeping track of the new “flavors” can be a time consuming task and what makes a king hypomelansitc or Axanthic is not easy information to find. I have been looking on the internet for info on what makes the different morphs and I have only found information regarding the differences in coloration, cost, etc. but nothing on what pigment is lacking/increased. Does anybody out there know where I can find this information.

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