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New banana king "rattling" and striking....

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Posted by genlelow on April 24, 2003 at 01:34:48:

In Reply to: New banana king "rattling" and striking.... posted by MSUdiverbabe on April 24, 2003 at 01:01:43:

just keep handling him...he will eventually calm down. he is prob just not used to his new environment...i never had problems with my king, guess i was lucky!


:Hey guys! I'm a first time snake owner and I just bought my first snake, a baby banana king, yesterday. He's been great and I'm really happy with him. He's such a cutie! =) Anyway, last night when I tried to get him out of his cage he coiled up in a striking position and began "rattling" his tail. When I tried to pet him he struck at me, so I backed off. He kept striking at the glass, but after awhile settled down. I actually think I might have startled him, which is why he struck. My boyfriend also said that he struck at him today when he tried to get him out. My question is this: he seems pretty skittish at times, but will he eventually get over this? Once he gets picked up he's very tame and no trouble at all. Thanks for any help!
: Becca

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