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i know how you feel....

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Posted by SNAKESDJF on April 14, 2003 at 23:00:13:

In Reply to: apalachicola missing posted by genlelow on April 14, 2003 at 12:41:07:

i'm so sorry to hear about your king. theres a good chance he's still in your room. i would try the mouse trick, it actually worked for me once. Whenever i had ever lost a snake it always winded up in my dark closet. check everything thoroughly. i found him in my Photo album and then another time in my cd case. They always seem to head for a dark place like a closet. i know it really sucks. even though a tank will be totally secure sometimes they just happen to squeeze a way out. i learned a few lessons when my baby mandarin Ratsnake escaped. i always check my covers making sure they are on tight. i now try not to keep my room cluttered with stuff like under my bed, just so it will be easier to search if my snake hets loose. i even duck taped my carpet along the wall and covered any possible opening that a snake can escape. just don't give up, i'm sure he'll turn up. kings get hungry and start to roam. just think when he seemed the most active when he was in his tank, during the day, night or morning, evening? that most likely be the time that he will start moving around. when the lights are out look with a flashlight along the wall and you might pick up his eyeshine. i finally found my baby Mandarin Ratsnake. at night i heard a crinkling of plastic bags in my closet, i knew it had to be her. i searched my closet for the second time and she turned out to be inside of my pants pocket on the floor of my closet. let me know what happens, i'm sorry again, don't give up, Dave

:my king got out sometime between friday night late and sunday morning...anyone seen him?!?!

:i am so bummed he got out. i have bricks on the hinged part of his top too...this is the first time he has gotten out since i got him in january. grrr...i am so mad. anyway, i was thinking of buying some mice and strategically positioning them around my room...thinkit will work??

:ps, i am in a dorm room, and i hope he is actually still in my room. the last chicola snake i had would get out, but he would always be in the room, under some slothes or soemthing...wish me luck


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