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Re: Tarahumara Mountain Kingsnake....pointers???

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Posted by serpentcity on April 07, 2003 at 23:44:06:

In Reply to: Re: Tarahumara Mountain Kingsnake....pointers??? posted by christomas on April 06, 2003 at 21:32:45:

::Hi there,
::I just got a Tarahumara Mountain Kingsnake (lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi) and I was wondering if anyone had any tips in taking care of them. She's maybe about 8 months old and very pretty. I keep her in a 10 gallon tank and the temp is about 85 degrees. I haven't fed her yet because I'm letting her acclimate to her new digs but I do have some frozen pinkies lying in wait. Any tips or tricks on handling her and caring for her would be much appreciated!

:I recently acquired a pair of Knobs. They are still hatchlings. Around 12" long. They are very beautiful. I think they might be the most docile snake. They dont tail rattle or musk. And they are not flighty too. The 2nd day i had them i fed them pinky mice and they bote ate it almost immediately. Unlike what other people say, its the first thing i do to my snakes to check wether they are eating mice. I wouldnt want to wait a week or so only to find out that they wont accept mice. In my line of thought, the earlier i know the better. At least i could start looking for alternative food for them. I suggest you do some research about them. I find that they are easy to care for, not much different from other milks and kings. Hope this helps :)
I would keep her cooler than 85 degrees. A temp range of 70-82
is better. I hatched out 17 knobs from 2 clutches and the vast
majority prefer live pinks vs. frozen-thawed (2002 babies)...
Scott Michaels

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