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Re: Daytona Show

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Posted by electricbluescat on April 04, 2003 at 23:05:23:

In Reply to: Re: Daytona Show posted by Bluerosy on April 04, 2003 at 21:01:57:

:Hot tip!
:The best hotels are to be had right next to the main host hotel. I never make reservations and everyone that sees my room says I get the best rooms for the best prices!
:But keep it a secret or there won't be any left for me. Okay!


:::Has anyone ever reserved snakes before by depositing money for the babies and then picked them up at a a reptile show if the person you bough them from would be there? Also just curious how many ppl are going to try to make it to the Daytona Show?
::::I know I am and I need to make reservations now.



::Does anyone know of any reasobale hotels close to the ocean center? I found one thats not too bad and its 5 miles north of the center.



You can email the name of the hotel please. I have never been to daytona or any reptile show. Or could you just emailk some names of the hotels around the ocean center. I am in college so I need to save me money on the room. I defitinily will buy some snakes while I am there though. my email is


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