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Sheese, you got me by 2!! N/P...Carl

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Posted by Dryguy on May 13, 2003 at 17:35:49:

In Reply to: :>) posted by oldherper on May 12, 2003 at 19:18:46:



:You may be, but not much if you're still alive and moving under your own power. At least that's the way I feel sometimes...I'm at the half-century mark.


::I think we have done a fairly admirable job in not jumping off the cliff in response to "HS"...Most of your posts peg this gentleman without attacking him personally as he has done to this dedicated group of Drymarchon possessed herpers....

::I must admit that, while, the arguments we have amongst each other regarding our beloved Guardians(Fred vs. Dante etc.) are much more stimulating then this type of interaction, we cannot stop others from appearing on the forum to raise cane from time to time...(Chrish, I congratulate you on your input..I hope that does not come across as condescending, but you started out with a bit of controversy in your first posts here, 'que bueno?...)
::I also appreciate those who are not Drymarchon humanoids for chiming in for our benifit...The vast majority of reptile enthusiasts are really wonderful people and I appreciate you all..

::I realize I am just an old fart and my comments may not be appreciated by all, but then that is the purpose of a "Forum", no??

::As far as I am concerned the "core" consists of everyone who loves these animals, whether or not they are lucky enough to be their humans!!

::"Old Fart" Carl Gossett

::(Regards to OldHerper..I bet I'm older than you!!!)


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