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You beat me to them!...

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Posted by Simon R. Sansom on May 07, 2003 at 21:49:10:

In Reply to: I got her Parents............................more..........> posted by D Goudie on May 07, 2003 at 14:47:28:

:For all I've heard how nasty Spilotes can be, these guys just leaped outta their cloth prisons once I got them home & I've had both of them out sat on my shoulder, mind you they sure as hell don't mind leaping onto the back of the couch or climbing up the pole lamp, it's easy to see how they can glide though the forest canopy ;-)

:I'm hoping I can produce some of these ;-)



I would've snagged 'em, but I guess you were quicker on the draw!
My two are both very pleasant snakes to deal with. While they are high-strung, I find that they are not really aggressive animals. You just have to know how to approach them and handle them gently.
They certainly can turn on the intimidation when they want too, though. They've only done it a couple of times, but the full repertoire of Spilotes warning postures. i.e; horizontally-held tongue-tips with slow tongue flicks, puffed-up throat, tail-rattling (very loud), and a slight, up-and-down nodding of the head all combine to create a most fearsome display. I should add that neither of my two has actually bitten me yet.
They really are super animals.
I wish you the best of luck with yours, Dean!

Have a great season.


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