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Now is the time for the The wealth to shared....

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Posted by Doug T on April 29, 2003 at 10:47:23:

In Reply to: Now is the time for the The wealth to shared.... posted by regalringneck on April 29, 2003 at 07:43:01:

:So send my wee black nippers back to be w/ their sister & I'll write up a Clelia caresheet :)
:On the guardian front...I dont see any significant care issues at least for BTC that arent already imbedded in the standard couperi sheets. The only 2 concepts missing IMO are the need for excercise, especially in the adults & perhaps more arguable...tho I base this on the relatively number of infertile egg clutchs)...the need for maintaining a more natural diet than most captives get. So Id suggest you cut n paste the basic care sheet for each one w/ the header being the name/subspps/ & a good photo.

The Black Wigglers will get their caresheet... and the Black Tails deserve their own too. For example, if one were to use my D.couperi caresheet as their standard to keep Uni', BT's or YTC's, they would end up with a dead snake sometime in late winter. You could use my D.couperi caresheet to work with Texans, but my recipe for breeding Easterns never worked with Texas Indigos (for me).

There are enough differences between the subs that they each deserve a write up.


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