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Posted by dan felice on April 25, 2003 at 17:17:26:

In Reply to: one of my conerns is... posted by DeanAlessandrini on April 25, 2003 at 15:03:01:

::Putting stress on an animal that would prefer to be alone. If that is really the case, then you could potentially have an animal that is under unneeded stress 24/7. All captive snakes (especially those that are wild caught) are under a certain amount of stress to begin with, and I think it's our job as keepers to try to keep that to a minimum.

:If they are CHOOSING to always use the same hide when multiple hides are offered...this may indicate that they really don't have a preference as to whether the other snakes are there or not...but are just looking for the best retreat available.

:I have a message into Natalie Hyslop (currently doing the field research in GA) to see if adult females in her area ever co-habitat with one another or share the same primary retreats.

:btw...she's got some really interesting stuff going on there now. With warmer weather now, her snakes are moving away from the longleaf...sandy soil gopher toroise habitat and into the wetlands. Cool stuff.

if they're gonna get along or not. one will immediately become dominant and start to bully the other. this is pretty rare but i've seen it cribos prefer togetherness, there is no doubt. they've been in certain groups, some for years and are not stressed in the least, usually laying w/ their heads together under the hide. how's that for trust?

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