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Panacur questions

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Posted by gila7150 on April 24, 2003 at 22:14:17:

In Reply to: Panacur questions posted by pulatus on April 24, 2003 at 20:33:35:

:1.) Does one have to refrigerate panacur if kept a week or more?

I keep mine at room temp and when I used to work as a vet tech we did the same. (someone else might correct me on this one)

:2.) Is 1mg per kg sound about right for worms?

If you are using a 100mg/ml suspension, the recommended dose for most herps is 25-50 mg/kg orally every 7 days until negative fecals results are obtained. Remember Panacur doesn't kill's primarily for nematodes.

:3.) How common is it to transmit worms via rats? Do those of you who have to feed live get fecals done with some regularity, or just let things be till you see problems?

This probably depends on the quality and source of your feeder rodents. I generally feed frozen/thawed but haven't had a parasite problem with the few animals I have that only accept live. I generally have fecals done on new aquisitions but I don't generally do routine fecals unless there is a problem. (i.e. poor appetite, loose stools, regurges, weight loss, etc)

Good luck,

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