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Re: feed uni ltc...

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Posted by hassanblacktail on April 04, 2003 at 10:39:00:

In Reply to: feed uni ltc... posted by regalringneck on April 04, 2003 at 08:27:08:

:HB, if he wont take the rat alone, tie it to a f/t mouse w/ cotton thread & offer the mouse head first to him, you can do this trick w/ properly sized chicken parts too [these are the famous DT-powerstrips]. Of course if you have access to snakes, they're the perfect shape to gorge him, which it sounds like he needs to round him out. FTR, mojo switched over to 100 gram rats @ ~ 1.7 m (5.5') w/o any trouble at all.
:C&B; jg

::Hey peoples, long time no post. Anyway I just aquired a new unicolor, this past Tues.The "cat"(person) I purchased him from told me that he was feeding him mice:he's just under 8'! I tryed a pre-killed small rat.He vibrated his tail and that's about it.Handling him is like arm wrestling myself, he's super strong(my original cribos are yearlings.He dosen't show any aggressive intentions, and I was informed that he previously shed 10 days ago, also. As far as his girth...he's not solid for his length. He's not skin&bone, but he's triangular, narrow in the back and saggy on the flanks. Any tips would be helpful. Thanks for the help, Hassan B.

:As usual I can count on double-R for sound advice..thanks forreal.Anyway I'd like to get hold of some "feeder snake"(we can chat on the personal email note if needbe). His previous owner said he only takes live prey. He is starting to show interest in what's going on in the room, and not hiding his head so much now.Double-R hit me back asap.

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