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Re: Lack of Activity

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Posted by GregH on April 03, 2003 at 08:19:38:

In Reply to: Re: Lack of Activity posted by eastindigo on April 03, 2003 at 05:53:39:

Thanks for the advice John. I have been wondering if and when I should move to maybe a 20gal. long tank. Believe it or not, I actually do get a gradient. Now that spring is on us the gradient may be not as much of a gradient that it was during the winter. You see, my room temps were actually down around 60-65, so it was difficult for a 40w bulb to really heat the entire tank. I actually had to cover the one side (one without the heat) to try and keep it up to around 70. Now that spring is here things are changing though, and I will probably not use any heat at night either.

You suggested the use of Cypress Mulch, any particuliar reason? I have actually been considering this. I have been using paper towels, and I have placed some aspen in his cage during shed time. He seems to like the aspen for borrowing.

Thanks for the responses,


:I noticed your tank size, 10 gal. I have had advice on keeping young indigos in small tanks, BUT, it is extremely difficult to get any kind of heat gradient in that small of space, particularly with overhead. If you have to use that small of tank, use 2-3" of cypress mulch and an undertank heater no larger than 1/3 the tank size. That should work. A larger (longer) tank would be even better, then you can use a lamp to bring up temp on one side to about 85. I use no heat at all at night.
:Good luck

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