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Egg binding

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Posted by dwight on April 02, 2003 at 15:03:54:

In refrence to the below posts on egg binding, here's an interesting story. I have a female which copulated in Feb/02. When it came time for laying nothing happened. Through out the summer the snake fed readily and was the picture of health. Ova/slugs could be felt in the female but seemed to decrease in size as time went by. Come Jan of 2003 I noticed substanial swelling towards the rear of the snake!!! I could still feel the grape like slugs and also large egg shaped swellings. With nothing to lose I placed her with one of my males who immediately went crazy trying to breed with her. Female would not accept, rattling her tail, racing the cage and curling into tight coils. She was introduced days later with the same result. To make a long story short, her laying dates based on last sking shed would be April 7 through to April 11, before panic sets in!! This snake looks like she is carrying 10 big well formed eggs. I know different. She has not copulated with a male since Feb/02. It sure would be nice if she blew everthing out! It would be even nicer if there was delayed fertilization!!! Here's to wishing, I will let you all know what happens next week...Your thoughts on the matter would be welcome..Dwight Sayers

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