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Re: No more coping mechanisms needed...

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Posted by bobl on March 27, 2003 at 15:51:41:

In Reply to: No more coping mechanisms needed... posted by Doug T on March 27, 2003 at 15:07:34:

:I got sneaky and slipped my trio of Yellow Tails from Dr Phil right under "The Wall". Now all I have to do is house and feed these guys for the next 20-30 years.

:I must say, that Melanie from the Seattle Branch of the US Fish and Wildlife service made the process extremely easy. I was also suprised to find out that US Customs has NO DUTIES on SNAKES from Canada. Dr Phil sent them via US Airways which was litterally 100 feet from the USF&W and Customs offices. Smooth as glass.

:Anyway, I'm looking forward to working with these critters and I can mark one more species off on my "Wish-List".

:Pictures will come once they have settled in.

:Doug T


Your sneaky moves didn't get those snakes by "The Wall"! LOL
The only reason why those snakes you got were still available is because those were the 3 that I didn't pick and I would have bought them all if they were from two different lines.
They were all smokin though!
Good luck with them.


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