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Hey Bobby...

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Posted by Doug T on March 19, 2003 at 11:38:05:

In Reply to: Re: Phil, I won't even have to quaranteen.... posted by bobl on March 19, 2003 at 07:56:06:

My comment on being cheap wasn't meant to disparage folks who are willing to make a good captive from a wc animal. It was meant to disparage myself for being to darn lazy to jump through those hoops you are willing to jump through.

Sorry to have unintentionally diss'ed you.


:I wouldn't say buying W.C. animals is being cheap by any stretch of the imagination.
:First off, they aren't cheap to buy and it costs a fair amount of money to get them acclimated and fully treated for "bugs" not too mention the time invested to get them that way.
:I have several W.C. YT's and have spent $200 to $300 each shipping not included, not cheap and I am waiting for my trio from Phil and also snakes from Dean and Dan.
:W.C. and or C.B., either way it's not cheap!


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