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Calm down a bit

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Posted by GRR on March 18, 2003 at 23:50:31:

In Reply to: Housing a Burmese python with an Indigo? posted by ThaVille on March 18, 2003 at 23:25:05:

You do not have to be the Herp police. Finding everyones wrong(what you see as wrong) doing and post about it. It really drags down these boards. If you do not like something someone tells you or tells someone else talk to them about it but do not go around posting in other forums and point it out. It may be wrong it may be right. All you can do is offer your advise to the person asking for it and leave it at that. If they take it cool if they take the next guys cool. This place is for learning sharing info. Not causing fights or putting so and so down.

I read your other posts in the Python forum. Cool you do not agree with what was said. So just don't do it. You are not going to change everyones views no matter what you do. State what you have to say and leave it at that.

Do I agree in mixing species......No I do not but I am not going to bash the person by calling them stupid or anything like that. I will offer facts why not to and let the person make their choice from there.

Give info why not to do something do not name call. And if you do not know the facts on why you should or shouldn't do something back off and don't say anything

Saying this
"Do you know anything about burms or indigos at all????? Indigos are native to the USA and are snake eaters. Housing a burm with one is probably the dumbest thing you could think of doing. Just because he did it for years doesn't make it OK. You could probably house a snake in a cardboard box and feed it cheeseburgers but does that mkae it OK?!?!?! If you are sooooooo into mixing species, try mixing youself with oncoming traffic. "

Does not help things. So just breathe dude calm down then post k

This is not bashing you just helping you out a bit

Gary's Reptile Room

:I'm no expert, but a few people over at the python forum told me this was OK. I was just wondering what you guys thought about it. If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself. This is not a troll attack, but a serious quandry.

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