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Re: Correction and

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Posted by GregH on March 12, 2003 at 18:02:55:

In Reply to: Correction and posted by dryguy on March 12, 2003 at 16:02:41:

Ah, I would have loved to been there to see that! Even the snakes don't like the government.

:Got them mixed up...The bigger one is the female!!! YES!!!!
:Dannio, I don't know what part of SA these were captured in...I'll see if Juergan knows...

:RR, UR right...I had to sneak underneath "The Wall's" radar screen...

:Customs!!!! My wife actually went to Denver to pick them up and do the paperwork which cost another $145 (they were still a bargain with that)...The "Wildlife Official" demanded to see the snakes OUT of their bags...Why, I don't know, but when Rhody took the big female out, she let the entire office know how bad a Drymarchon can make your day!!! Spewed all over the paper pushers desk, walls, floors,chairs, office workers, quite the scene!! 3 men ran away when they saw how PO'd she was and the stupid "official" still wanted Rhody to take the other one out of the bag!!! The government got what they deserved on this one!! CG

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