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The "definitive"answer on Dry bites :-)....

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Posted by dryguy on March 08, 2003 at 15:04:51:

In Reply to: Drymarchon bites... posted by lynex17 on March 03, 2003 at 22:58:54:

Can they be "serious"?...No, just painful, unless you let them get infected...

Can they be "serious"? You're Dang Right!!! My only "serious" bite was from Bubba my monster TX boar...True story, told before, but worth repeating... He had an ocular infection..Getting daily injections of antibiotics..My wife, a nurse, had to administer the shot while I held him...After about the 3rd day, he was tired of the game...I was holding him with about 6 or 8 inches of his neck and head free....JUST as the needle went in, he deliberately and slowly, turned his head and locked on to my thumb...He let go as soon as the needle came out!! No chewing, just a bite that felt like PLIERS with cutting edges on my finger!! His teeth almost PIERCED my finger nail!! I bled like the proverbial stuck pig from my thumb pad...He was SERIOUS!!!!

The beast is shown above!!! Hope he and Rose's eggs stay good!!! Carl

:Can these bites be serious? Dry's got a pretty hefty feeding response to say the least. i was just curious if a full grown dry would be able to cause a serious bite?? just wondering...

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