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Re: Carl, read please...Update for all...

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Posted by dryguy on March 08, 2003 at 14:41:13:

In Reply to: Carl, read please.................... posted by Fred Albury on March 06, 2003 at 22:43:04:

Fred, interesting how everyone's opinion on which (if any) eggs are viable!! I am rarely optomistic, but all of those eggs are fat and leathery/pebble grained and I think they are all viable!!

As for Scarlet,...She is at my vet's...He started oxytocin on her Thursday with fluids and calcium continuing...He ultrasounded herr and she has 3 EGGS left!! He thinks she will pass them al without surgery and is doing fine...His opinion is that the 3 eggs left are still viable!!

My vet is Kevin Fitzgerald...He's one of the top 2(the other is in Greely) in Colorado for snakes...His vet hospital(Alameda East,in Denver) is the one used by Animal Planet for it's series "Emergency Vets" He's the tall, gray haired, goofy looking guy with the geek glasses!! But he is cool, and has pulled more than one of my animals through some serious Sh#@!! He loves seeing my Dry's..I usually take a healthy one with me to let him see just for grins...

Everybody keep your fingers crossed for me..Carl

::You can see how huge the one is...Its probably 2x the size of the others!!! It's the one that caused the problem last night...She looks like she has at least 2 more, in addition to the two I extracted this morning...I'm going to let her rest for the afternoon and see if she'll pass the others naturally..She doesn't seem to be sick or excessively stressed, but I'm trying to be careful... I gave her an injection of Baytril before manipulating her last night as a precaution... ??Comments?? Carl



:In my humble opinion the upper right is the only good one, and because its a Indigo, all bets are still off on that one too.
:God and nature will decide what comes out. I have had females become eggbound and have had to palpate th eggs and withdraw the fluid from the egg through the snakes body cavity using a syringe. Often it took 4 or 5 full syringes of egg yolk to reduce the egg to a size where it could be passed sucessfully. This particular female had about 12 eggs in her! After the aspiration of the eggs thorugh the body cavity, I adminisered a drug called OXYTOCIN, which induces uterine contractions, this drug is administered three times, 6 hours apart for each subdermal shot. After the third shot the eggs came out. ALL looked to be infertile, with a the sharp jagged edges that a few of your display in the picture. The others were yellow in coloration. None of them candled well, and the whole batch went in the dumpster.Then the snake was retired as a breeder. She is now at a wildlife facility as a docent tool to educate the public about Eastern Indigos. Best of luck to you Carl.


:Fred Albury
:Aztec Reptiles

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