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let's back up a bit......

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Posted by dan felice on March 07, 2003 at 08:35:52:

In Reply to: defensive vs. feeding response... posted by DeanAlessandrini on March 07, 2003 at 07:40:31:

::I don't really let them bite me on purpose (as Doug joked)...but...I have had a number of "good" bites. Most of them were defensive bites from cribos (actually, knowing some of my yt's, they were probably OFFENSIVE bites). and once from a wild eastern that I was legally capturing. I've had large yellowtails bite, chew and try to twist flesh off my arm. (thanks Dannio). It was not a pleasureable experience, but it wasn't any worse than any other large non-ven snake.

:I think the WORST indigo bite I had was a feeding response from an eastern. it was not a hold and chew...just a quick bite and release when he realized I was not food. After THAT one, my finger looked like it had been cut deeply by a razor blade.

i don't think doug is joking! i only know what i saw.....dean was informed that merely looking at pyscho babe would irritate her. he promptly asked to 'hold' her. i rest my case. lol. i've never been bitten by an adult myself but i've seen the damage done from two males fighting. it was inflicted lightning quick. no chewing. several deep, razor like cuts suddenly appeared which by themselve were not 'serious' but had i not intervened......the smaller male [7' at the time] would have killed him in short order.

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