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this isn't a Drymarchon, but....

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Posted by lynex17 on March 03, 2003 at 13:28:42:

i posted the following on the jungle carpet site and haven't had any responses yet. what do you all think??
CB01 Female jungle carpet

well, i have had this snake since late last year. since then, it has eaten fine on small rats and medium rats. recently it has stopped eating. i offer medium rats (the same shipment from rodent-pro that she has been eating)the same way as i have in the past but she doesn't eat them. she has been acting hungry as of late, roaming around and generally sitting out in the open as she tends to do when feeding time roles around. i have even tried using small rats as she was eating to no avail. i even left them in the cage for 2 days. nothing of husbandry has changed. any one else experience this? she has always had a good appetite till now and i can't find a reason why she wouldn't eat. she certainly acts like she wants to>>flicking her tounge and getting real close to the rat only to back off and leave it alone. any info can be of help....thanks.

at times in the past when she has fed, i would drop the thawed rat in with her, and she would be flicking her toung out and what not but she would still be following my movement. so i would put my hand up to the glass in order for her to move closer to it (in the direction of the rat) and then she'd pretty much figure it out. now she just follows me the whole time. even when i get her to pay attention to the rat she eventually just goes back to doing whatever she was doing. i don't understand??

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