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Re: Eastern Housing Upgrade

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Posted by bobl on March 01, 2003 at 16:33:43:

In Reply to: Eastern Housing Upgrade posted by DanW on March 01, 2003 at 09:35:00:

: I am wanting to get better and larger cages than I am using now and am interested in the boaphile cages. The cages are 4' x 2' but can be attached end to end to produce longer cages. He also has a 2' x 2' attachment that has no window....its basically a large hide box. I am thinking of attaching one to the 4' cage. So in essence I would have a cage 6'x2' with a 4' front opening glass. The cage would be white and the 2' attachment black. Since Indigos are primarily terrestrial and spend much time in burrows, the 12" high cage should be ok. So what do you think of a setup like this as a permanent home for an Eastern Indigo.

:1. Sounds great.
:2. You can do better.
:3. Measurements should be changed to _____.



I was going to get some of those cages too for my Y/T's.
I like the fact that you can add onto the cages to make them larger. I also like the "hide area" aspect.
I'd say that's enough room for you snake. I prefer to the darker cages, but I have Neodeshas and Visions here so color isn't a big issue with me.
If you are going to order the cage with the built in heat pad/tape I would have him make the open end on the same end where the heat tape/pad is, that way when you attach the "hide area" onto the open end of the cage the heat source will be close to it.
If the cage is to be in a cold room be aware that those cages do not hold heat in very well due to the material that they are made of although they hold humidity rather well.
I have Boa Phile Racks that I had to insulate with styrofoam because they wouldn't stay warm enough for the snakes I had in them. You'll have to use a good heat source.
I like the cages though and plan to get some.
Short money, attractive and funtional.

Good Luck

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